Live Smartly: Poetry Brings Wisdom
Poet Mary Oliver was a rather unassuming person. I saw her once, reading from her poetry, at the MFA in Boston about eight years ago. A slight, quietly spoken woman, her appearance in so many ways belied the power of the language in her poetry. Sadly, on January 17, 2019, the world lost Mary Oliver, but obviously not her words. Published in 25 or so books, Oliver will be available to us all forever. As a lover of Oliver’s poetry, I scoured the Internet for articles and tributes to her and her work. I rather liked the one on by Alyssa Wright, titled “Three Lessons Change Agents Can Learn From Mary Oliver's Life And Poetry.” Wright outlines how Oliver’s prose and poetry “capture the challenges we face in these trying times.” Oliver’s writing and Wright’s interpretation and analysis illustrate life lessons that apply to all aspects of our work, whatever it is. These words set down life lessons about openness to change and the prospect of change through growth and learning; underlying these messages is her premise that it is fully possible for each of us to become smarter about how we live and lead. The following is an abridged version of Wright’s insightful post. I hope you’ll enjoy reading and thinking about the three lessons Wright says we can learn from Oliver’s words:
1. Change yourself to change the world. But little by little,/ as you left their voices behind,/ the stars began to burn/ through the sheets of clouds,/ and there was a new voice/ which you slowly/ recognized as your own,/ that kept you company as you strode deeper and deeper /into the world,/ determined to do/ the only thing you could do–/ determined to save/ the only life you could save. Personal transformation is a theme of Oliver's later works. In this except from her poem, "The Journey," we are encouraged to step into our individual truth. As agents of change, we cannot be honest in our pursuits if we do not take this critical and reflective step as individuals. Oliver's words encourage us to dare, to risk, and to be committed to changing ourselves. The most successful change makers know that you must change yourself first in order to have an authentic impact around the cause that you care about. Oliver's poem calls us to know our own journey and in doing so, we can authentically activate others and stay on a path to justice, equality, and sustainability. Take a moment to reflect on your own journey, perhaps pausing to ask, "What must transform in me in order for me to transform the world?"
2. Let your work speak for itself. In an era where social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have activists and humanitarians frequently sharing their good deeds and worldly insights, it can become easy for even the most sincere of change agents to have ego take over. Oliver was not one to engage deeply in such. It was rare for Oliver to be seen giving interviews and her self promotion never crossed the line. Oliver's humility is a good example for us all and a reminder that if we truly want to make a difference, our work should speak for itself, no matter how many engagements, likes, or comments we receive on social media. Check in with yourself and intentionally focus your next few days on listening and learning verses sharing or speaking.
3. Stay connected to the natural world. One may come to believe that writing poetry for Oliver was an act of reverence for the natural world. Her bodies of work are flooded with images from nature. At a time when many are exploiting the earth in pursuit of the industrialized definition of progress, Oliver's words inspire much-needed nature connection. In her poem, "Hurricane," she points to how the trees grow back, even after the worst of hurricanes. But listen now to what happened/ to the actual trees;/ toward the end of that summer they/ pushed new leaves from their stubbed limbs./ It was the wrong season, yes,/ but they couldn’t stop. They/ looked like telephone poles and didn’t/ care. And after the leaves came/ blossoms. For some things/ there are no wrong seasons./ Which is what I dream of for me. She reminds us that by staying connected to nature in our daily lives, we can stay connected to hope, even after a horrible storm. Seek to connect with nature once every day, even if but briefly. Thank you, Mary Oliver, for entering our personal worlds and showing us the importance of nature and our place within it.
[Originally written as part of CSW Pocket Change, 1/30/2019.]