In a recent coaching session, I was working with a senior leader who felt as if she was heading for burnout. If she said yes to one more thing, she stated, it would be her undoing. But how could she say no—to her boss (and risk losing her job?), to her immediate colleagues (and risk being seen as a non-team player) to the head of another department (and risk not being seen as a colleague?). She was caught, and she knew it could not go on.
My client was right. She could not continue in this manner, seeing her work as a bucket to fill, yes even until it overflows, was not productive. She knew she had to find a way to stop, reassess and develop an approach that took her out of the potential disaster ahead. She needed to think more expansively, pay attention to what was important for her and her colleagues in this moment and create a sustainable solution to her dilemma.
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