Recently as I was collecting my thoughts in preparation for our quinquennial Words of Wisdom, I realized how important to us at SmarterWisdom the concept of learning on the job is. It is kind of core to our work that the people we work with want to get better, learn more and be good and helpful mentors to their team members. Creating a feedback-feedforward culture means that you are harnessing the idea of a growth mindset, and that what you expect of others is important to you too. So how might learning on the job become an integral value in your workplace and a robust part of your culture? Might there be additional ways for you to promote it?
Read MoreWhen Jim Collins’ book Good to Great was published back in 2001 the term “BHAG” was on the lips of every leadership consultant or CEO. Going for that Big Hairy Audacious Goal was what you needed to be doing if you wanted to drive success through clear vision and direction. Fast forward to 2024, and we are now suggesting something a bit different. No one is saying that you shouldn’t have a big stretch goal, but we’ve learned a few things about getting to the top of a large mountain on a different planet. Specifically, both research and experience tell us to start small.
Read MoreOver 20 years ago I co-authored a book focused on how organizations could re-envision diversity as a competitive advantage. Fast forward to 2024 and I realize I did not anticipate how the DEI effort would look in 2024. The need, when my colleagues and I penned the book, for an enlightened perspective on the value-add of equity in the workplace (not to mention the ethical impetus to address this issue) seemed both clear and compelling, as it well remains. As I look back and gaze forward with some hope that the competitive advantage might still emerge, with focus and intentionality, I plan to hold on to that brighter outlook from two decades ago. Because I envisioned that the dominos in the workplace were lined up neatly and the first ones were falling, I anticipated that the next stage of the initiative would pick up momentum and make major inroads through the tangle of debris wrought by lack of systemic efforts and change during the centuries of racism, sexism and homophobia that had interwoven irrevocably within our country. In my mental model of achieving equity at work, at least in recent decades and during the Civil Rights movement, the arrow of social justice had been launched, and it seemed as if our aim was true and our intended bulls-eye was within reach. In retrospect, and sadly, I was naive and lacked accurate foresight.
Read MoreDeciding on your dessert at a lovely evening out with friends can be hard. Is it the lemon mousse with white and dark chocolate? The strawberry shortcake? Tarte Tatin? Blackberry or peach sorbet? OK, you might make a choice you regret, or it just may not arrive and look or taste as you expected, but seriously this is not a complex decision: you won’t let anyone down, you can’t really make a bad decision here. Your dessert decision is simply a matter of choice, your choice alone. According to some scientific research, adults make around 35,000 conscious decisions every day, while others estimate that number to be as high as 350,000. Deciding on the initial path to take ,and the nature of the decision, whether it be a simple choice of sweet, or more, is definitely a huge part of our lives as leaders.
Read MoreI work with many school leaders. These leaders tend to be open-minded, consensus-oriented people and the schools they lead believe in the benefit of creating forums for discussion with and among employees. The idea that open discussion will nurture an engaged group of workers is a good one, especially during current times when employment engagement is at an all-time low. Freedom to ask questions of others, especially those who supervise programs and departments, in a group setting, encourages trust, develops leaders and allows group process that generates ideas that in turn can solve problems. Arguably, the existence of a place to speak up, to use your voice to improve the place you work, is vital to a successful organization of any kind.
Read Moren efforts to ensure that leaders at all levels receive helpful feedback, supervisors and trustees frequently look to the power of the 360 review. This is a process designed to elicit developmental feedback from a range of sources 360 degrees around the participant, with the goal of delivering honest and authentic data about a leader’s work from multiple perspectives; this approach closely reflects the actual up, down and sideways working relationships that characterize how most employees actually work today.
Read MoreIf popular slang or culture is a way of understanding the ethos of our times then Rizz, Swiftie, de-influencing, beige flag, parasocial and situationship need to become part of our lexicon. These words give us a view into the lives of Millennials and Gen Z’ers (born 1996-2012) and a picture of 2023. Without question they seem to be a set of words that clusters around holding back from commitment versus a couple at the other end of the spectrum where they reflect a kind of signaling to identify as part of a team of followers or admirers. This dichotomy is in part a result of the isolation of the pandemic period. We know that many people, having learned to cope with the lack of in-person human connection during the worst of the virus, reported finding it difficult to resume a pre-pandemic level of social contact.
Read MoreChange isn’t easy for some of us; we resist and worry and wonder. While for others it is in their DNA and they cannot wait for the next moment to shift gears. Change, however, typically signifies growth and without growth we run the risk of stagnation. Wherever you are on the REMAIN/ CHANGE spectrum, the fact is that change is constant. Whether you are an easy adopter of change, or whether you tend to avoid change, learning how to predict change, harness change and live a change friendly life, will help you avoid stress and mental anguish and basically make you a better member of your team.
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Summing up the past year in terms of themes, trends, new ideas and developments in the workplace proves not as straightforward in 2022 as we might have expected. In fact, SmarterWisdom believes that any new place at which we have arrived this year isn’t about content at all, but rather about state—state of being, state of understanding, state of wonder! It’s a position that perhaps we would benefit from paying close attention to, even though this moment—or space—is liminal. To be in a liminal space is “to be on the precipice of something new but not quite there yet.” A liminal space can be metaphorical, emotional or physical. And for many people, perhaps understandably, it’s an uncomfortable position.
Read MoreSomewhere on Twitter this past week, amidst all the tributes posted out of respect upon her death, I read that Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was “the first girl boss” (she became Queen at 25 over 70 years ago) and it made me think about what her tenure (she was the world’s longest-serving monarch) might teach us about organizations and leadership. “I cannot lead you into battle,” the Queen said in 1957. “I do not give you laws or administer justice, but I can do something else. I can give you my heart and my devotion to these old islands, and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.”
In fact, it is perhaps easier to think of what kind of leader the Queen was not, rather than align her with a corporate title: not a chief executive officer, a president or a director. Given the length of her service and the ways in which she established the idea of monarchy in peacetime, she seems like more of a founding partner than CEO; and because of her work away from day-to-day operations, she is more like a board chair than senior manager. It is actually quite difficult to find a good analogy for the role of the Queen as a leader, and yet leader she was, as monarch and head of state.
Read MoreOne of SmarterWisdom’s core approaches to our leadership consulting work is to help leaders prioritize among the myriad of bright shiny things that beckon them each day. Step one is to prioritize, and step two is to stay true to the path you set for yourself.
So how do you prioritize? A good first step is to consider your work in levels, or as the McKinsey article suggests, gears, that is low, medium and high. Examine all the major projects that you are involved in—which takes precedence, what is next, and so on. If you stay focused on less important, mid-level tasks, you are likely to be stuck in medium gear. Yes, you can tootle along getting stuff done, but both you and your vehicle are not turning on the high-power capability that will allow you to move faster and cover more ground—and dive deeper. As a leader in your organization, you want to be in high gear a lot of the time. Think of high gear on the freeway and the large distances covered. Yes, you need to be paying more attention to your driving—but you will get you and your passengers to more places.
Read MoreA standout article in Fast Company in their Leadership Now section (July 11, 2022) especially inspired our deeper thinking about why supporting and engaging Gen Z-ers, in particular, is so important. For leaders and managers to adopt behaviors and create structures to help create the most productive settings for the Zs will clearly be worthwhile. Paying attention to the generational cohorts that exist in your organization might be a good starting point—for example, we know that different ages and life stages often seek different benefits as part of their compensation packages; might that be a good general starting place for your human resource officers?
Read MoreThe Beatles’ 1970 album, Let It Be, hit the record stores when I was a junior in high school in the UK. “The Long and Winding Road” brought tears to my eyes and became my go-to Beatles ballad for a very long time. In his new documentary, “Get Back,” Peter Jackson chronicles the making of this seminal album over a period of days and in doing so, according to a wonderful recent article from The Economist, reveals some reliable and creative thinking about an effective team of four.
Read MoreThere isn’t much that is certain about work today, except uncertainty. In June, when we posted the first part of Are we Having Fun Yet, the Covid situation had evolved from office shutdowns and work from home (if one could) to vaccine development and administration. By the late spring, some enterprises (such as Disneyworld, featured in Part I) were adapting their workplaces to respond to the health-related requirements for operating safely in a pandemic. Our hopes rose for a return to something resembling normal, as our world moved toward a reopening.
Read MoreA year ago, in one of our posts, SmarterWisdom enjoyed describing 2020 as an exceptional year. We have since been toying with how to label 2021—and Alice in Wonderland came to mind: topsy turvy, a croquet field where the balls are live hedgehogs? Definitely. Through the Looking Glass, with a grinning Cheshire Cat! For sure. So here we go: the crazy journey of the year behind us…
Read MoreResearch shows us that boards and leaders who have already faced different kinds of crises, perhaps the need to cut programs, or a significant loss of accustomed admissions sources in schools, or a public relations scandal of some kind, or the loss of a senior leader mid-term and so on, are better equipped to face new ones, such as the pandemic. Schools, for example, who put policies and practices in place during the mid-2000s SARS-epidemic crisis, or even just surfaced the key generative questions, were more prepared for the recent challenges related to Covid. Having faced different trials and tests, organizations that incorporate ongoing reflective learning from these experiences, and create replicable, sustainable approaches, will thrive during new challenges and threats.
Read MoreWhat are the lessons to be gleaned from the sudden shift to work from home? My biggest takeaway, by far, has been the level of flexibility humans can exhibit when they have to. The work from home arrangement into which so many have been thrown during the pandemic, required flexibility from both organizations and their employees at all levels. The shift to home-based work by massive numbers of employees was a head spinning change accomplished in a snap. And, by all reports to date, it is largely a story of success.
The speed with which the workers and organizations adapted to a new normal has been nothing short of astounding. Not that long ago virtually all workers were paid to perform their jobs on site. Additionally, until relatively recently, many not only had to show up, they were also required to punch a timeclock when arriving and departing to prove that they were at their jobs at the agreed upon times. Of course, these employees weren’t proving that they were working, just that they were at the worksite. But still, punching the clock was what was required if an employee wanted to get a paycheck.
Read MoreDuring the pandemic, we have all been sorely tested—not just leaders, or teams, but all of us, as individuals. We have been forced to question what work means, our roles and the systems we have taken for granted since we entered the world of work. Looking back to my own education, in high school and college, I was definitely taught, in general, that to be part of a team meant to subjugate self; to be sure that the team trumps the individual. The old adage ”There’s no ‘I’ in team,” that leadership guru, Peter Drucker articulates above, seems mostly to remain tried, tested and true. We have certainly read, and SmarterWisdom has written, that the team must take precedence, and paying attention to both the formation, and the nurturing of the team is vital to success. Is that really the case? Or has the pandemic and our changed ways of living and working perhaps pretty much upended much of our thinking about the concept of team?
Read MoreIn a recent coaching session, I was working with a senior leader who felt as if she was heading for burnout. If she said yes to one more thing, she stated, it would be her undoing. But how could she say no—to her boss (and risk losing her job?), to her immediate colleagues (and risk being seen as a non-team player) to the head of another department (and risk not being seen as a colleague?). She was caught, and she knew it could not go on.
My client was right. She could not continue in this manner, seeing her work as a bucket to fill, yes even until it overflows, was not productive. She knew she had to find a way to stop, reassess and develop an approach that took her out of the potential disaster ahead. She needed to think more expansively, pay attention to what was important for her and her colleagues in this moment and create a sustainable solution to her dilemma.
Read MoreWhat are the lessons to be gleaned from the sudden shift to work from home? My biggest takeaway, by far, has been the level of flexibility humans can exhibit when they have to. The work from home arrangement into which so many have been thrown during the pandemic, required flexibility from both organizations and their employees at all levels. The shift to home-based work by massive numbers of employees was a head spinning change accomplished in a snap. And, by all reports to date, it is largely a story of success.
The speed with which the workers and organizations adapted to a new normal has been nothing short of astounding. Not that long ago virtually all workers were paid to perform their jobs on site. Additionally, until relatively recently, many not only had to show up, they were also required to punch a timeclock when arriving and departing to prove that they were at their jobs at the agreed upon times. Of course, these employees weren’t proving that they were working, just that they were at the worksite. But still, punching the clock was what was required if an employee wanted to get a paycheck.
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