Soccer, Community and Purpose

We know that Millennials and Gen Z populations tend to seek work that has community-oriented meaning and opportunity. They also enjoy finding places to “serve” or feel useful in on-line communities that keep us connected outside of the workplace—something that has certainly increased during our stay-at-home confinement during the pandemic. Many of these recent generations to join the workforce want a “blended” existence where what they care about can be more easily integrated into their working day and where they are not solely defined by their work. This development of an integrated life, with purpose and a set of values we choose to live by, ideally adds to the hope and optimism that as humans we most naturally seek.

Recently we have all been experiencing deep levels of isolation and loneliness. And while we have made efforts to understand solitude, and even benefit from it, our inability to access friends and family easily has taken its toll. At the same time, we have learned a lot about communities that matter, such as essential workers and health and care workers. I believe we all hope that when the time reverts back to more normal interactions, we will strengthen those community bonds that we have so sorely missed in recent months.

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Jane Moulding
Virtual Background: New Tools of The Trade

Elizabeth is a principal with a health economics consulting firm based primarily in the northeastern part of the United States. Her current work involves leadership and project management, drawing on quantitative and qualitative research, and managing clients. When she was hired by her current employer two years ago, it was made clear that her primary base of work would be her home. During the recent months of lockdown and work-from-home, Elizabeth’s level of comfort and success, while WFH, have made me think about, not only what mindset and skillset it takes to make this shift, but also other lifestyle improvements that the shift enables.

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Riding the Bull: Careers in Chaotic Times

Uncertainty makes many people anxious. Because of that, most of us go out of our way to create a sense of predictability in key areas of our lives. That is certainly the case with employment: most individuals strive to have a decent bead on their future direction.

Of course, not everyone shares the same across-the-board roster of expectations about earning a living. Some individuals view work primarily as a means of making money to meet their economic needs. They may see what they do as “a job,” and look outside of work to provide fulfillment in other dimensions of their lives. But a significant portion of today’s population expects work to provide a great deal more than a living: yes, they are seeking remuneration, but they are also looking for additional elements such as fulfillment, status, the opportunity to be creative, make a social contribution, travel, engage with stimulating people and problems and more.

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How Will You Measure Your Life?

I have just finished reading this inspirational little book by the late Clayton Christensen. In 2010 Christensen gave a speech to HBS’s graduating class where he used his research and thinking about business to lay out guidelines for meaning and happiness in our personal and family lives. The book: How Will You Measure Your Life? builds on his original talk and, in collaboration with James Allworth and Karen Dillon, presents a series of parallels between struggles and successes in business and ways we might use these known outcomes to teach us ways to live.

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Jane Moulding
Bold ambition, super smart: It All Adds Up

Maryam Mirzakhani was born in Iran in 1977. She won gold medals in 1994 and 1995 in the high school International Mathematical Olympiads, gaining a perfect score in 1995. She earned her B.Sc in Tehran and five years later a PhD from Harvard University for her dissertation Simple Geodesics on Hyperbolic Surfaces and Volume of the Moduli Space of Curves. After doing further research and teaching at Princeton University Mirzakhani became a professor of mathematics at Stanford University in 2008. Sadly, Mirzakhani died in the summer of 2017 of breast cancer at the age of 40.

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Jane Moulding
Priming for Re-Entry

For so many of us who have currently made the shift to WFH from WAO I expect we are missing some aspects of our daily work, and also beginning to realize what we have gained. According to a recent GALLUP study (April 3, 2020) 3 out of 5 people would now prefer to continue working from home, whereas 41% would like to return to work. [US Workers Discovering Affinity for Remote Work, Megan Brenan.] These numbers made me wonder what it was about this arrangement that led new work-at-homers to express this preference.

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Who is on the Bus?

Jim Collins in his wonderful little book From Good to Great, and his follow-up for the social sectors, influenced so many of us in the nonprofit world when he helped us understand not only the importance of good hiring but also those vital first three years of employment, when both the new employee and the organization ought to be actively working on understanding and developing the nature of the “fit” between them.

Thinking back to how Collins influenced me as a leader and hiring manager through his books, and more recently the practical advice Adam Bryant gives in his New York Times article called “How To Hire the Right Person,” I find myself considering deeply the enormous importance of this aspect of our work as leaders.

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Jane Moulding
Responsibility, trusting your Smart Wisdom: Don't Shave That Yak

Sometimes we overthink things; sometimes we spend so much time getting our “ducks in a row” that we forget why we wanted the ducks in the first place. As an author, speaker and innovator, Seth Godin, urges us to be open-minded and willing to take risks, to try new things and to stop putting up barriers or talking ourselves out of even beginning or convincing ourselves that what we really meant to do was shave a yak.

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Jane Moulding
All Bets Are Off: Business During Covid-19

There is always opportunity in crisis. This maxim seems mostly right, and often absolutely right, after the fact. During the crisis you are in a coping and reactive mode, as changes and new information bombard you. Today, dealing with Covid-19, is no exception—except perhaps it is. While it seems impossible to think ahead when new blazes start up every minute and you haven’t even been able to tackle the root cause of the fire, perhaps there are some small steps you can take.

So many organizations have been publicizing guidelines for how they will work with us during the coronavirus; what we should do and what they, as organizations, are doing to ensure our safety and well-being. Here at SmarterWisdom Consulting we have been discussing what we can share about our thinking with you on this important topic that might be useful.

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Jane Moulding
Decisions, Decisions (Part II)

Making a decision is hardly an infrequent occurrence, as was explored in Part I of this blog. Personally and professionally, most of us are engaged in making decisions regularly and frequently, on things both large and small. And yet, it appears, many decisions don’t produce the desired results. Why?

Normal logic would predict that, if we do something a lot, we get better at it. So with all of the experience we accumulate in making decisions on both individual and organizational matters, our failure to become more adept at it seems to fly in the face of logic. Fortunately, some smart people have put their minds to this quandry, and their research offers us some good theories about (1) why we make bad decisions, and (2) how we can make better ones.

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Marcie Hirsch
Inner Wisdom Personified: Jacinda Ardern

Watching this young, impassioned leader on the television and media made me think: how do you prepare for leadership, especially the kind of leadership needed more and more all over the world as instances of violence and terrorism plague us? Part of the test for a leader in any organization relates to their ability to handle crisis. And as our world becomes increasingly complex, institutions often call for more pastoral leadership that aims to bring people together; the community of an organization becomes so very important?

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Jane Moulding
Live Smartly: Poetry Brings Wisdom

Sadly, on January 17, the world lost Oliver, but obviously not her words. Published in 25 or so books, Oliver will be available to us all forever. As a lover of Oliver’s poetry, I scoured the Internet for articles and tributes to her and her work. I rather liked the one on by Alyssa Wright, titled “Three Lessons Change Agents Can Learn From Mary Oliver's Life And Poetry.” Wright outlines how Oliver’s prose and poetry “capture the challenges we face in these trying times.” Oliver’s writing and Wright’s interpretation and analysis illustrate life lessons that apply to all aspects of our work, whatever it is.

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Jane Moulding
Decisions, Decisions (Part I)

From the time you get up in the morning, until the moment you slide into sleep at night, the ever-present task in our lives is making decisions. Research published in Psychology Today suggests that most of us make around 35,000 decisions a day. Can that be true?

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Marcie Hirsch
PURPOSE: Use Your Wisdom To Build A Team

Our session ended with a panel led by three New York school heads (from Hewitt, Trinity, and Friends Seminary) discussing seismic change from the head’s perspective. They put a great deal of emphasis on our need to seek and stay connected to purpose—even beyond individual mission and values where possible—helping families and students see the greater good and greater purpose beyond the daily pressures of grades, assignments, and next steps in their educational journey.

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Jane Moulding
We Have To Stop Meeting Like This...

When we ask employees about their least favorite activity at work, two items are the most frequently cited: ‘Performance Review’ holds runner-up status for most dreaded work task (given the nature of the activity, one can imagine the possible reasons for its positioning.) But way out front---consistently, year after year---the undisputed winner is ‘meetings.’ Staff meetings, in particular, are cited with undisguised contempt.

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Marcie Hirsch